Alexandru Ruja

Banat Fascination (Liviu Rebreanu, Cora Irineu)



        Under the names of „Liviu Rebreanu and the Banat” and „Cora Irineu corespondence”, Alexandru Ruja presents the relationship of the two writers with the Banat and publishes several authentic  letters of the two with professor Lucian Costin from Caransebeş. Liviu Rebreanu is one of the most important Romanian writers- the author of the Romanian modern novel. Cora Irineu is known especially with the volume called „Letters from Banat”.

          The letters contain new, unknow items about Liviu Rebreanu’s affinity with the Banat, about his journeys around, about his lectures in the great city here. The letters sent by Cora Irineu contain data and remarks which complete the image of Banat from the volume „Letters from Banat”.