I have initiated at Faculty of Philology since 2002 this literary/ cultural manifestation simply named: The seminar in Literature, aimed to have at least a didactic and a literary history intention. In my capacity as a teacher at University I wanted to facilitate student’s face to face meetings with writers, authors, events that have a deep impact on theirs professional progress. In my capacity as a literary historian and critic I intended to gather up a rare genre (very likely to be about to disappear if not arouse) - the literary confession. We publish in this volume Aurel Turcuş’s literary confession. In his exposure emphasis is placed on the fact that beside gift, talent or vocation one need elements or circumstances that stimulates the process of writing. Without such stimulus or favorable circumstances the poet can lose he’s interest because he won’t manage to write. Aurel Turcuş is among esteemed contemporary literature poets with a poetry very alike to Blaga, also rendered by some others writers that belong to same period as Ioan Alexandru or Gheorghe Pituţ. Some other writer’s confessions who joined The Seminar in Literature (Eugen Dorcescu, Mircea Pora, Eugen Bunaru...) will also be published next volume. (Alexandru Ruja)