Daniel Vighi    

Prolegomena to Boredom in Romanian Literature



          The study entitled Boredom in the Romanian literature presents in detail the concept of Boredom and its semantic variations neighbors: Melancholia, Annoys, Ennui (fr), Tedium(lat) and Spleen. For example in France, the spleen represents a state melancholic person without definite cause. This term was popularized by the poet Charles Baudelaire (1821 - 1867) but it was already used previously, by writers of the Romantisme (19th century), running then developed primarily in Germany and Great Britain. I intend to present short a history of Boredom from Antiquity until today. This inventory will be illustrated with examples of the postmodern thought, it same a thought annoys, ironic and relativizing. I have the intention to apply this whole of characteristic concepts in the direct analysis to the Romanian literature.