Iosif Cheie

Love ontology at Blaga and Eminescu


The author of the paper studies the onthology of love in the writing of Eminescu and of Blaga. No other Romanian poet seems to be so visibly related to Eminescu as Blaga is, when it comes to the thorough approach of the metaphisical dimension of existence. This can be easily verifyed when we consider their position towards love, which can be analysed as an onthological unit and as a sine qua non condition of life itself.

Just like Eminescu, and in the same platonic conception, Blaga sees in the woman he loves, the embodiment of Perfection. Projecting his beloved into Perfection is, without any doubts, the bringing of reality to the level of the myth. Blaga does this many times, in his conception love is not superficial nor flickering, as it is deep and profound.

When comparing the two, it is highly essential to mention femininity, which appears in its deepest meanings. Among other essential stages of femininity, the celebration of the woman as lover and mother appears too. We can see that the lovers image fused with the mothers image and this haunted the author throughout his entire writing. A good exampe of this can be found in the elegy „O mamă..” but a more visible one is to be seen in his prose.

A fundamental idea concerning Blaga’s conception of life is the relationship between love and creation. The philosopher deeply pondered upon the meaning of creation in defining the human being as unique in the universe. This problem was analyzed by the author in his book Literatură şi existenţă. This paper only explores the way in which in Blaga’s work, creation is inspired and conditioned by the lover.