Approximately 2500 students study at the Faculty of Letters and History
of the University of the West Timisoara. Most of them are supported by
the government, many of them being granted scholarships according to
their results.
faculty can offer only limited accommodation in the campus, so the
distribution of the students here is done yearly according to the
students’ results.
Due to
contracts and partnerships with similar universities abroad, our
students benefit from grants to faculties in Europe and around the
world, the selection being made through a contest.
After all the data in the GESCO application form are introduced,
students will have access, in exchange for a password, to personal data,
marks and taxes, by accessing
estimate that this service will be available starting with October 2003.
opportunities offered to students:
the possibility of scientific development: student research
circles, student scientific publications
pastimes: study excursions (folk, historical, archaeological,
geographical objectives), one-day trips, the yearly StudentFest
festival, balls.
