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Education Departments The Department of History:

General presentation:


The Department of History was refounded in 1991, initially with a section in History – a foreign language (English, French, German, Latin) and in 1993, two more sections were added: History and Theology-History.

Currently, the department has approx. 100 students (in all three sections), the places supported by the Ministry being doubled by the places for which students have to pay an annual fee.

The curriculum comprises fundamental disciplines specific to the study of history: the history of Romania, universal history, the history of arts, the history of religions, archaeology, ethnology, auxiliary sciences, museum management, medieval studies, the history of the Byzanthium, the history of the European Union, national movements in Romanian provinces, etc.

The material support offered by the faculty secures excellent teaching conditions.

The teachers working in the department are helped by associate professors from other faculties (Sociology, Pedagogy, Philosophy, Psychology) as well as by specialists from the Museum of the Banat and the State Archives- the Timis Branch.

Besides the teaching activities, the department also has an intense practical activity:

  • with the 1st year students – archaeological practice on the sites of Tibiscum (Roman urban setting), Sanicolaul Mare (prefeudal necropolis), Cenad (early medieval setting), Ciacova (feudal setting)

  • with the 2nd year students – archive practice in the State Archives – the Timis Branch and the Museum of the Banat

  • with the 3rd year students – teaching practice in schools in Timisoara

To improve the students’ activity, three scientific circles have been organized: archaeology (since 19910, medieval studies (since 1993) and modern and contemporary history (since 1994).

Within the student exchange programs with the Universiites of Udine (Italy), Graz (Austria), Tulca (Finland), students benefit from scholarships that last in between 3 or six months to one year.

The Department of History has been organizing local and national conferences, the papers presented being published in the volume Studies in the History of the Banat. The students have their own review, entitled, Arhé.

Secretary of Department: Onisoru Despina



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