The Faculty of
Letters and History offers teachers and students a new and attractive way of
materializing their research activity creating several electronic
magazines, grouped on departments.
Obs: Only in
romanian with abstracts in foreign language!
Each electronic
magazine was conceived together with the board of each department, the name,
objectives, structure and editorial team being the task of each department to
For a good
editorial work and for a unitary editing structure (format, length of articles,
professional deontology) the following regulation has to be observed:
department will appoint an editor in chief and a team that will define the
status of each review.
2. The magazines
will publish only scientific materials; the University board does not approve of
other types of magazines (students’, confessional, political magazines or
newspapers) as the space allotted to our faculty on the server is limited.
3. The
responsibility for article contents belongs to the authors who have to present
the editorial team the material in electronic format (on 1.44 Mb disk):
articles will be written in Microsoft Word, rtf
length of
article: 4-8 pages (A4 format)
types of
font: Arial
dimension: 12 p
setting and line spacing: Justified, 1.5
top 2cm, bottom 3 cm, left 3 cm, right 2 cm
paragraphs: 1 cm indent
title of
paper: bold, 18 p, centered
name of
author: 2cm below the title, regular, 14 p, centered
affiliation: 1.5 cm below the name of the author, regular, 12 p, centered
text: 3 cm below the affiliation
titles of
chapters/subchapters: bold, 12 p, justified left, paragraph indentation, 1cm
space between title and chapters
references: at the end of the text and not as footnotes; title: like chapter
titles; numbering starting with 1, in the alphabetical order of the author,
regular, 10 p, single line spacing
pictures can be introduced
article will be accompanied by a 10-line summary in Romanian
Obs: please
use the specific symbols of each language; don’t use footnotes and don’t insert
page numbers.
4. Before
the publication, the papers will be discussed by the editorial board
5. The articles
will be published as .pdf (Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0) and, for document security,
readers can only print, not copy or alter the text.
To consult the
articles, use Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0. If you don’t have this program in your
computer, you can download it freely or click this button:
