Department of Romanian Literature is one of the first of the Faculty of
Philology. In its current structure, the department covers all disciplines
with a literary profile: Romanian literature, comparative literature,
literary theory ass well as derived disciplines such as Folklore and
Ethnology or Aesthetics. The main directions of research have been studies
in classical Romanian literature, illustrated by celebrated specialists (the
late Prof.Eugen Todoran, Prof. Dr. Iosif Cheie, Associate Prof. Dr. Rodica
Barbat, Associate Prof. Dr. Pompiliu Craciunescu) and the studies in modern
Romanian literature initiated by Prof. Eugen Todoran and Prof. Simion Mioc
and continued by reputed literary critics (Prof. Dr. Cornel Ungureanu,
Associate Prof. Dr. Alexandru Ruja, Associate Prof. Dr. Daniel Vighi). The
research in the field of comparative literature have a long tradition,
founded by Prof. Victor Iancu together with Clio Manescu and Traian Liviu
Biraescu. This tradition is continued nowadays by Associate Prof. Dr. Ilie
Gyurcsik, Associate Prof. Dr. Adriana Babeti and Lecturer Dr. Carmen Blaga.
A theoretical line of research in the department has been preserved for
years by Prof. Ignat Bociort, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doina Comlosan, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Ilie Gyurcsik, Associate Prof. Dr. Ion Vultur. A constant scientific
preoccupation is the study of folk traditions in the direction revealed by
the late Vasile Cretu, continued today by Associate Prof. Dr. Otilia Hedesan
and Associate Prof. Dr. I.V. Boldureanu.
department organizes a Master’s programme, coordinated by Prof. Iosif Cheie
and doctoral studies of Romanian and comparative literature under the
supervision of Prof. Iosif Cheie and Prof. Cornel Ungureanu.
The annual
scientific publication of the department, “Studies in Romanian and
Comparative Literature”, has reached its 17th issue.
Secretary of Departement: Fibisan Maria