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Education Departments The Department of Slavic Languages:

General presentation:

The department was founded in 1957, a year after the Pedagogical Institute became, in 1956, the Faculty of Philology. The newly founded section had the profile “Russian-Romanian”.

At present, the department coordinates the activity of two sections: Russian – Romanian or a foreign language and Serbian – Romanian or a foreign language, each section having ten students (starting with 1999). The admission is based on a written exam, according to the decisions of the Faculty Council and the University Senate.

The department works mainly in two directions: a didactic and a scientific one. With the first direction, students are trained to teach Russian and Serbian (after a special course in the third year). In the last year, students acquire abilities as translators, guides, journalists, editors.

The courses finish with a Bachelor’s degree, after which the students have the write to work in both of the qualifications they have obtained.

Students are also initiated in the research activity, within the Slavic Scientific Circle, whose main themes, coordinated by teachers from the department are: general and contrastive semantics and lexicology, Slavic dialectology, translation theory and practice, Slavic language teaching, anthroponomy, etc.

The types of programs offered are: day courses; a Master’s degree program on “Linguistics and Anthropology. The Slavic-Romanian Area”; special training courses within the Postgraduate Training Department of the University; doctoral supervision: philology (Prof. Dr. Ivan Evseev); research projects supported by the Romanian Ministry of Education/CNCSIS, ANSTI; annual grants type A (theme: The Histrian-Romanian dialect; current tendencies, texts, glossary 1995-2002, project manager Prof. Dr. R. Sarbu), type C (theme: Aspects of bilingualism in the multiethnical area of the Banat – 2001-2002, project manager Prof. Dr. Maria Kiraly) and type T (theme: House and domestic terminology in the Banat Serbians – 2001-2002, project manager Alina Nistoiu).

Facilities: library, Slavic laboratory equipped with computers, printers, cassette-recorders).

Secretary of Department: Mitrica Mariana



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