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Education Departments The Department of Ortodox Theology:

General presentation:

Short history:

The academic theological learning has a tradition in The University of the West Timisoara. According to the Decree 660 of 30 December 1944, the University of the West is founded with the faculties of Law, Letters and Philosophy, Sciences, Human Medicine, Veterinarian Medicine, Pharmacology and Theology. But the project did not come to life then. After the Revolution of 1989, the Romanian theological learning was reorganized, facilitating the foundation of new Faculties of Orthodox Theology, besides those in Bucharest and Sibiu. In this context, the Department of Orthodox Theology was founded within the Faculty of Letters, Philosophy and History of the University of the West Timisoara according to the Protocol concluded by the Ministry of Education, the State Secretariat for Cults and the Romanian Patriarch, no. 9870, 30 May 1991 and the Convention between the Archbishop of Timisoara and the Rector of the University of the west Timisoara, no. 2669, 25 March 1993.

The Department has now 12 teachers: 2 professors, 1 associate professor, 6 lecturers, 3 assistant lecturers. Since 2001, a one-year postgraduate course has been organized, with the general theme �Modern and Contemporary Ecclesiastic Theology� and a Master�s degree program is projected now in cooperation with the Department of Philosophy with the theme �Hermeneutics�.

Organization and objectives:

The Department of Orthodox Theology obeys the regulations of the Constitution of Romania, the Law of Education, The Chart of the University of the West, the regulations of the Orthodox Church of Romania. The Department functions as an NGO.

There are three sections in the Department of Orthodox Theology:

  • pastoral theology

  • theology + letters (Romanian or a foreign language: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish)

  • theology + history (since 1997).

The learning process has a duration of four years.

Starting with 1996, the Department of Orthodox Theology has applied the system of transferable credits.

The mission of the department is didactic and scientific, its objective being to train the future priests of the Orthodox Church of Romania and the religion teachers with a theological and humanistic formation, with the purpose of promoting the values of orthodox spirituality and Romanian culture in an interconfessional and intercultural context.

The Department of Orthodox Theology has the necessary material basis for a proper learning process: a chapel for the religious practice, a multimedia laboratory with 12 computers, OHP, an electronic organ, audio and video systems.

The headquarters of the department are in Matei Millo St. 2, property of the University of the West Timisoara which also offers accommodation for students.

The rooms are equipped according to modern standards, securing excellent learning conditions.

The logistics for the documentation of teachers and students consits of the collections of books in the University Library, the Bishopric Library and the City Library. The department also has an important theological book fund, many books in English and French being here as a result of the cooperation between the Bishopric of the Banat or the Faculty of Letters and History and ecclesiastic institutions abroad. For research, students use the reading rooms of the Department of Orthodox Theology or those of the University Library.

Since 1997 up to 2001, 5 sessions of B.A exams have been organized.

In the programme of postgraduate studies, two former students of the department have been sent to Germany: Daniel Benec and Dorin Covaci. They are going to specialize in Christian deaconry and work in the Department of Social Assistance of the Archbishopric of Timisoara. As part of Bachelor�s degree preparation programmes, Petru Alexa was sent to Britain and Ciprian Zeno Popescu to Italy. In the Socrates programme, the student Daniela Eliza Constantinescu is currently studying in France.

The teaching staff:

The well prepared members of the department are the following: Prof. Dr. Petru Bona,  Sorin Cosma, Associate Prof. Dr. Smaranda Vultur, Lecturer Dr. Eugen Constantin, Lecturer Dr. Nicolae Belean, Lecturer Nicolae Morar, PhD candidates Vasile Itineant, Viorel Dorel Cherciu, Ioan Iulian Cosma, Assistant Lecturer Dr. Cornel Toma, Assistant Lecturer Dr. Constantin Jinga, Assistant Lecturer Remus Mihai Feraru.

Other teachers cooperate with the members of the department: Prof. Dr. Aurel J (The Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Sibiu), Prof. Dr. Dumitru Abrudan (The Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Sibiu) and very well prepared priests working for the Bishopric of the Banat (Lucian Lugojanul, Dr. Vasile Muntean, Gheorghe Itininat, Mircea Munteanu, Florin Carebia, Adrian Carebia, Adrian Covan).

From the research activity of the members of the department we can mention: books (Byzanthium, vol 1 and 2, by Vasile Muntean, The Bishopric of Caransebes by Dr. Petru Bona � awarded with the Prize of the Romanian Academy for Scientific and Academic Competence in 1999, The Virtue of Moderation by Dr. Sorin Cosma), courses (The Hebrew Language by Dr. Nicolae Neaga, The History of the Romanian Orthodox Church, vol 1 and 2, Elements of Christian Art by Dr. Petru Bona, Practice Book of the Old Testament by Dr. Constantin Jinga), studies and articles in the theological series of the University of the West Annals.

We can also mention the organization of national and international congresses and symposia: �The Book of Books� (5 editions), pre-Easter conferences (7), �The Sacred Horizon� (3 editions). Members of the department have also attended international conferences: The International Congress of Science and Theology, Munich, Germany; The Hermeneutics International Congress, Neuchatel, Switzerland; The Ecumenism International Symposium, Belgrade, Serbia; The Missionarism International Symposium, Budapest, Hungary; The International Congress of Religious Sciences, Udine, Italy. We also mention the achievements of the choir of students in theology who were awarded the 1st and the 2nd prize in Italy (Rome, 1998) and Spain (Barcelona, 1999) respectively.

The Department of Orthodox Theology cooperates with humanistic and theological faculties abroad: The University and the Institute of Religious Sciences in Udine, the Faculty of Catholic Theology in Freiburg, etc.

Three members of the department benefited from grants offered by the Romanian Patriarchy: Constantin Eugen Jurca in Padova, Italy, Cornel Toma in Athens, Greece, Remus Mihai Feraru in Bossey, Switzerland.

Secretary of Department: Gruber Eva



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