After 1998, the
possibility of founding faculties and colleges with a library studies profile
occurred in several universities in Romania. The initiative of developing and
modernizing library studies at an academic level belongs to Prof. Dr. Ion Stoica,
general director of the Library of the University of Bucharest who, in 1990,
founded the section of bibliology and information sciences at the Faculty of
Letters of the University of Bucharest. In the following years, similar sections
appeared at the Universities of Oradea, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara and in Sibiu,
Targoviste and Brasov, colleges and highschools with this profile were founded.
In the 21st
century, when the access to sources of scientific and cultural information has
become a clear priority, managing library collections and, in general, documents
presupposes a serious and very complex training.
In the University
of the West, the Department of Library studies is part of the Faculty of Letters
and History. At graduation, students will have a double qualification: librarian
and teacher of Romanian or a foreign language: French, Spanish, Italian,
English, German, Russian, Serbian. It is the only department with this profile
in Romania that offers a double qualification. The students can choose between
being a librarian and being a teacher.
The initiators of
the Library studies department are Prof. Dr. Ileana Oancea, the Dean of the
Faculty of Letters and History and Prof. Dr. Vasile Tara, the general director
of the Central University Library “Eugen Todoran”. The section was authorized in
1999 when the first entrance exam was also organized.
The teachers in
the department are very well prepared, specialized in library studies, after a
series of courses they attended in the country or abroad. They are: Prof. Dr.
Vasile Tara, Lecturer Dr. Valeria Nistor, Lecturer Gabriel Zanescu, Lecturer
Lucian Bercea and associate professors: Lecturer Doina Ostafe, vice-director of
the Central University Library “Eugen Todoran”, Lecturer Tamara Berezovschi,
Lecturer Lucian Miclaus, Thomas Remus Mochnacs, librarians in the Central
University Library “Eugen Todoran”.
The first year
has now 25 students, the second year, 20, the third year, 18, the fourth year
15. The specialized disciplines represent approximately half of the curriculum,
the rest being represented by disciplines of the second specialty.
The following
disciplines are taught in the first year as major qualification:
and techniques of cataloging and indexing – monographies, Lecturer Dr. Valeria
Introduction in the science of information, Lecturer Dr. Valeria Nistor
Introduction to library informatics, Lecturer Doina Ostafe
library studies, Lecturer Gabriel Zanescu
Types of
libraries, Lecturer Tamara Berezovschi
Introduction to philological research, Prof. Dr. Vasile Tara
In the second
year, the following disciplines are taught:
and techniques of cataloging and indexing – serial publications, Lecturer Dr.
Valeria Nistor
Developing and recording collections, Prof. Dr. Vasile Tara
Types of
libraries, Lecturer Tamara Berezovschi
management, Lecturer Gabriel Zanescu
The third year:
technique of information in automatic systems, Lecturer Doina Ostafe
and communicating documents, Lecturer Tamara Berezovschi
materials and services, Lecturer Tamara Berezovschi
history of book and printing, Lecturer Dr. Valeria Nistor
history of culture and civilization, Prof. Dr. Adrian Bejan
Methodology of library studies teaching, Lecturer Lucian Miclaus
The fourth year:
paleography, Prof. Dr. Vasile Tara
collections and book preservation, Lecturer Maria Micle
legislation, Lecturer Adrian Bercea
At the end of
each study year, after the summer session of exams, two weeks are reserved for
practice. Students spend these two weeks in the University library. In the
fourth year, practice is also done in teaching the second specialty.
The four years of
study finish with a Bachelor’s degree awarded by the Faculty of Letters and
History with a double qualification, Library Studies- Letters.
Secretary of Department: Onisoru Despina