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Education Summer Courses Programme:




A Usual Day’s Programme (Monday to Friday):

  9.00 – 11.00

Romanian language classes

11.00 – 11.30

Coffee break

11.30 – 13.00

Romanian language classes

13.00 – 16.00

Lunch break

16.00 – 18.30

Workshops or optional programmes

18.30 –

Dinner, leisure time


Thematic Units for the Intensive Romanian Course



            The aim of the course offered to beginners is to familiarize them with the essential linguistic elements which are necessary to immediate communication. The suggested thematic units include: The Classroom, The City, Food and Meals, Shopping, My Family, Health and Illness. Starting from these units, the participants will come across various problems related to the phonetics of Romanian (pronunciation and spelling), to the essential vocabulary of each theme, to fundamental morphological and syntactic issues, and to specific contexts of communication.


Thematic Units for the Intensive Romanian Course



The thematic units suggested to intermediate learners are: Home, Family and Friends, A Dinner Invitation, Shopping, Entertainment, Visiting Friends, On a Trip, Romanian Personalities, What Do We Know about Romania? Each conversational theme will include accompanying exercises so that students can easily learn grammatical structures. The suggested thematic units may be changed according to the students’ interests and knowledge of Romanian.


Thematic Units for the Intensive Romanian Course



The intensive Romanian course for advanced learners of Romanian focuses on conversation and aims to familiarize students with some basic aspects of Romanian life and to accustom them with different functional variants of the Romanian language. Considering this as the starting point, students are proposed thematic units such as: Everyday Life, Family Life, Jobs and Professions, Entertainment, Weather and Times, Romanian personalities, Holidays and Traditions, Social Issues. Other themes may be approached according to the learners’ interests and their knowledge of Romanian.


Workshops or Optional Programmes


            Optional workshops (Romanian Civilisation Issues, Conversation and Vocabulary Workshop, Workshop of Initiation into Romanian Literature, Translation Workshop) will be made up and will be held simultaneously, depending on the learners’ options. We must mention that, for a workshop to be made up, a minimum of four students is required. The thematic units will be moderated by teachers from the University of the West in Timisoara, or by other cultural figures of the city.



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