Founded in
1962, the Department of Romanian Language in the Faculty of Letters and
Philology is concerned with the linguistic training of future teachers of
Romanian as well as of foreign languages. The disciplines taught by the
department of Romanian Language study Romanian synchronically as well as
department of Romanian Language organizes a Master’s degree program every
year, for three semesters, entitled “The Romanian Language synchronically
and diachronically”. It envisages giving students special skills of
scientific research in the field of Romanian linguistics, language theory
and Romance philology.
disciplines in the Master’s degree program aim, on the one hand, at
enriching the fundamental linguistic knowledge students have acquired by the
time they finished school, developing essential, often controversial themes
about the structure and the evolution of the Romanian language and, on the
other hand, at initiating students in areas of linguistic research less or
not at all discussed before graduation. Thus, the course entitled “The
Grammatical Structure of Current Romanian (Controversial Issues) attempts to
describe more correctly – synchronically and diachronically – some aspects
of contemporary Romanian grammar researchers don’t agree upon. The
“Lexicology” course looks at old and current Romanian vocabulary from a
fresh, stylistic perspective and the “Lexicography” course discusses current
problems occurring in the elaboration of dictionaries. The “Romance
Linguistics (The Place of Romanian among the Romance Languages)” aims at
enriching the students’ knowledge in this fundamental field for future
linguists as well as at making them familiar with the latest research ideas
and methods in language theory and Romance philology.
The other disciplines: Etymology, Human Names
and Place Names, Romanian Paleography, Text Editing and Criticism, Semantics
and Pragmatics, The Stylistic Structure of Current Romanian introduce the
students in some domains of linguistic research of great importance.
Secretary of Department: Fibisan Maria