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The Department of Romance Languages

The Department of English Language

Micle Dorel - Informatica documentara


Ochiana Florin - Litterature francaise des XIX-eme et XX-eme siecles

Gheorghiu Andreea - Litterature francaise. Romans du XVIII-eme siecles. Textes integraux
1. D. Diderot - Jacques le fataliste et son maitre
2. D. Diderot - Le neveu de Rameau
3. Laclos - Les liaisons dangereuses
4. Lettres persanes
5. Rousseau - Les Confessions (part. 1)
6. Rousseau - Les Confessions (part. 2)
7. Voltaire - Candide

The Department of Romanian Language

The Department of Romanian Literature


The Department of German Language

The Department of Classical Languages


The Department of Slavic Languages

The Department of History

  Micle Dorel - Introducere in Arheologie (password)
  Micle Dorel - Elemente de grafica 2D si 3D in arheologie
  Bejan Adrian - Dacia Felix

The Department of Ortodox Theology

The Department of Library Studies

  Nistor Valeria, Micle Maria - Normele ISBD (S) in modele si exercitii

The Department of Journalism




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