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 Education   Departments The Departement of Romance Languages:
 The French Section

General presentation:


The Visit of his Exelency Philippe Etienne, the France Ambassador in Romania, at West University of Timisoara

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BELRom Timisoara

After the 4-year Institute of the University of Timisoara becomes a 5-year faculty in 1957, the Departments of Romanian Language, Russian and German are founded. In 1966, the Department of Romance Languages is founded, teaching students French, Latin, Italian and Spanish.

The French section becomes a major subject in 1967 which causes the enlargement of the department so that, in 1970, the Department of Romance languages is the largest in the faculty, with 28 teachers.

The Department was going to serve not only the philology students, but also students of other faculties who chose French as an elective course.

From the very beginning, the department has benefited from the presence of a French visiting professor (with a two-year contract) and a French library is initiated.

Starting with 1972, when the first promotion graduated, the department has recruited members from among its former students, who joined teachers coming from the Universities of Cluj and Bucharest.

The activity of the members of the Department of Romance Languages has been rich and varied. Courses and seminar books, anthologies, collections of texts for students have been published, papers have been presented at symposia organized by the University, articles and studies have been published in numerous reviews.

Between 1975-1989, the status of foreign languages is diminished, the department of Romance Languages being changed and adapted, losing its independence (it becomes part of the Russian and Universal Literature Department).

After 1990, when the number of students increases and the disciplines become more diversified, the department receives young members, able to cope with new requirements. The curricula are revised and adapted, new subjects are created and two Master�s degree programs are initiated.

Secretary of Department: Fibisan Maria



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