(26th edition)
The Faculty of Letters, History, and Theology yearly organizes The Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Summer School. The courses address all foreigners interested in the Romanian language and culture, in particular students who study Romance Languages, translators, cultural promoters, employees who work for companies having a direct contact with Romania, etc.
In 2017, the Summer School will be organized between July 24th and August 5th.
For further information please contact:
The Summer School Secretary:
What do we offer?
The number of hours:
What does a daily schedule look like?
Intensive language courses – 9.00-11.00
Coffee break – 11.00-11.30
Intensive language courses – 11.30-13.30
Lunch break – 13.30-17.00
Romanian language workshops (conversation and vocabulary – beginners; oral discourse and written communication– intermediate and advanced) / culture-oriented workshops and visits – 17.00-19.00
Tuition fee: 350 EUR
Deadline for submitting the form: 24 iunie 2017.
The tuition fee covers: the courses, the materials used, and the organised visits. The fee also covers the accommodation for those who choose to stay in one of the University’s student dorms.
The students enrolled in a German university who wish to join the The Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Summer School 2017 can apply for a Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) grant in the program Go East-Sommerschulen 2017. This grant covers a part of tuition fee, accommodation and the travel costs.
The applicants are supposed to apply both to the summer school, for participation, and to DAAD, for the grant.
Deadline (for DAAD submission of applications): 25 May 2017
For further information, consult the website: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

An deutschen Hochschulen immatrikulierte Studierende können sich im Rahmen des Go East-Sommerschulprogramms beim Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) um ein Stipendium bewerben. Das Stipendium setzt sich zusammen aus Stipendienrate (zur Deckung der Aufenthaltskosten), Reisekostenzuschuss und Kursgebühren. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter: Das zweigleisige Bewerbungsverfahren sieht vor, dass Interessenten sich parallel bei der Sommerschule um eine Zulassung und beim DAAD um ein Stipendium bewerben.
Organising Team:
DANA PERCEC, Associate Professor, Ph. D., the Dean of The Faculty of Letters, History, and Theology
GABRIEL BĂRDĂŞAN, Lecturer, Ph. D., the coordinator of The Summer School
IULIA COSMA, Lecturer, Ph. D., the coordinator of The Organising Team
EMINA CĂPĂLNĂŞAN, University Assistant, Ph. D., secretary of The Summer School
• Teaching Team:
ANA-MARIA RADU-POP, Lecturer, Ph. D.
CRISTINA SICOE, Teaching Assistant, Ph. D.
NADIA OBROCEA, Lecturer, Ph. D.
EMINA CĂPĂLNĂŞAN, Teaching Assistant, Ph. D.
MONICA HUȚANU, Lecturer, Ph. D.
• Workshops' Team
BOGDAN ŢÂRA, Associate Professor, Ph. D.
ADINA CHIRILĂ, Associate Professor, Ph. D.
NADIA OBROCEA, Lecturer, Ph. D.
MONICA HUŢANU, Lecturer, Ph. D.
ELIANA POPEŢI, Teaching Assistant, Ph. D.
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