Centrul de Studii Est-Asiatice (CSEA)
Facultatea de Litere, Istorie si Teologie (LIT)
va invita la conferinta inaugurala cu tema Layered Narratives, Literary Spirits: Writing The Kimono Tattoo
sustinuta de Prof. Dr. Rebecca Copeland, de la Washington University in St. Louis (Statele Unite).
Renumita specialista in literatura moderna japoneza, Prof. Copeland va discuta influenta scriitoarelor japoneze si a culturii japoneze in general asupra propriei opere scriitoricesti si mai ales a romanului The Kimono Tattoo. [Conferinta este in limba engleza si va fi sustinuta online.]
Organizator si moderator: Dr. George T. Sipos
Persoanele interesate sunt rugate sa se inscrie pe website-ul Centrului de Studii Est-Asiatice (CSEA).
Center for East Asian Studies (CSEA)
Faculty of Letters, History and Theology (LIT)
is proud to invite you to its Inaugural Lecture Layered Narratives, Literary Spirits: Writing The Kimono Tattoo
by Prof. Dr. Rebecca Copeland
Japanese Literature
Washington University in St. Louis
Renown specialist in modern Japanese literature, Prof. Copeland will discuss the literary and cultural influences in her own writing work, especially her debut novel The Kimono Tattoo. [online]
Organized and moderated by Dr. George T. Sipos
If interested in attending please RSVP at the Center for East Asian Studies (CSEA) website.